Make it happen Brazen was tasked with positioning Chill Factore, the UK’s longest indoor real snow slope, as the place to visit for snow experiences – ultimately driving footfall and sales.

What we did Always ready to jump on a news-jacking opportunity, the Brazen team spotted a beautifully crafted (and extremely large) six-foot snowman on Altrincham Today’s Facebook page.

A plan was swiftly hatched to ‘save’ the giant snowman, generating shareable content and column inches in the process!

Brazen vowed to save Frosty from an untimely, and slushy, end, offering to rehome him at Chill Factore – which with a temperature of – 4°C was undoubtedly the best place to make sure he was kept cool, whatever the weather.

The owners of the snowman – the McDade family – were immediately contacted, and the local Cheshire family had their dreams come true, as their snowman was saved from certain demise and became the snow slope’s coolest new resident.

Time was of the essence, so Brazen put a large team in place (including a local removal firm!) to collect the six-foot creation and transport him down the motorway to his new sub-zero home within hours.

The media were invited along too – with BBC North West tonight capturing Frosty’s journey, interviewing the family and Chill Factore’s CEO, Morwenna Angove.

Video content was also created, which was shared with the national media alongside all the story details –  plus pushed out across Chill Factore’s  social media channels.

A feel-good, reactive idea which gained traction with the target audience across a key sales period.


1x broadcast hit on BBC North West Tonight

Coverage in the Metro & The Times

6x Regional/online hits

6x social hits on media channels – with a reach of 988,873

Altrincham Today Facebook Reach: 98,907 – multiple mentions; hundreds of comments and shares