Nina Webb
nina@wearebrazenpr.com Find me on LinkedInMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Went paragliding in the French Alps while pregnant!

Peter Burling
Client Director
07974323047 peter@wearebrazenpr.com Find me on LinkedInMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Put it all on Red and went for it.. Never looked back.. Winner.

Sasha Makel
Managing Director
07979896241 sasha@wearebrazenpr.com Find me on LinkedInMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Moved to France to study at Uni without really speaking the language...can confirm I graduated still without really speaking the language!

Tom Webb
Operations Director
07803614326 tom@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Skiing Mont Blanc's La Vallee Blanche (very dangerous 20km off-piste route)

Adam Moss
Creative & News Director
07595536956 adam@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Had a 1am meeting with a dodgy geezer at a motorway service station to hand over payment for a celebrity news story....scary as hell

Corey Kitchener
Corpsumer Director
07557132890 corey@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Lived in the US for a year when I'd never even been before

Sophia Stewart
Planning & Strategy Director
07922713475 sophia@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Driven a snowmobile over an Icelandic glacier…in the middle of a snowstorm, no less!

Dave Renfrew
Finance Director
07706 330 141 dave@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Visited a dodgy back street karaoke bar with some fairly menacing locals in Mongolia....they 'encouraged' us to pick up the drinks bill at the end

Rebecca Cohen
Group Head Social, Influencer & Content
07850775197 rebeccac@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Moved to Munich – classic Sagittarius

Laura Berry
Associate Director
07784235374 laura@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Travelled to Africa to teach in a school and ended up dancing in a festival for the King of Swaziland – one the most bizarre yet amazing experiences of my life!

Daisy Brooks, Née Vickers
Senior Account Director
07814595692 daisy@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Trekked the jungle in Indonesia to search for wild Orangutans

Danielle Stott
Account Director
07809554222 danielle@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Decided to renovate a full house in new area when heavily pregnant

Tom Alderson
Account Director
01619234994 toma@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
When I had hair, I had a rat tail throughout my entire three years at uni

Alice Lee
Senior Account Manager
07450562743 alice@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Quit my job to travel and work in the USA for 7 months

Sian Westley
Social Media Director
07703832105 sian@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
I featured on a panel at the WOW (Women of the World) festival event for women, girls and non-binary people to talk about Feminism

Matthew Rainford
Senior Creative Producer
07815623160 matthew.rainford@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Ate one of the world's hottest chillies

Jess Redfearn
Midweight Creative
07795594217 jess@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Giving pretend birth to light bulbs, live on zoom, for an advertising school interview. The video has 131k views on TikTok (and counting)

Mairi Hale
Social and Influencer Manager
07731999433 mairi@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Booked a shark cage diving experience in Cape Town without travel insurance (will report back!)

Imogen Ruddick
Senior Influencer Manager
07749497949 imogen@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
I went swimming in a cave in Tulum that was over 16 million years old and full of bats, and snorkelled with sea turtles. I am terrified of the sea and can barely swim… may have had a panic attack at the time but I lived to tell the tale!

Natalie Osgood
Account Manager
07837051680 natalie@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Went paragliding over Turkey’s stunning landscapes!

Tom Owen
Account Manager
07951734133 tomo@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
I let my girlfriend give me a lockdown haircut. Never again!

Francesca Warwick
Account Manager
07545932556 francesca@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Either jumping off the tallest building in NZ (Sky Tower 328m) or swimming in the ocean with Humpback Whales in Tonga, both AMAZING!

Daisy Bradbury
Account Manager
07860853472 daisyb@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Travelled to India for a week with a group of total strangers, despite hating long-haul flights and spicy food!

Alex Park
Account Manager
07821645228 alex@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Moved to London from a small town at 20 for a placement year with knowing no one

Bella Minns
Account Manager
07809554333 bella@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Moved to Berlin aged 21 without a care in the world

Charl Hancock
Senior Account Executive
01619234994 charlotteh@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Made the decision to wear whatever I want without fearing judgment!

Mondie Tomberé
Account Executive
07808772719 mondie@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Love RuPaul’s Drag Race so I attempted the iconic ‘death-drop’ move at a dance social and sprained both my knee ligaments... Sashay-away ✌️

Hannah Townsend
Account Executive
07740382008 hannah@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Moving to Manchester at 18 years old without knowing a single person! Best decision I have ever made. This made me become a more independent and confident person!

Ella Conway
Account Executive
07725840833 ella@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
I ate chicken sashimi in Japan

Sophie Cunningham
Senior Account Executive
07852331537 sophiec@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Skydived from 15,000 feet on the East Coast of Australia – swiftly followed by an ice cold beer on the beach to calm the adrenaline!

Izzy Wragg
Account Executive
07553880378 isobel@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Newcastle Fight Night - Boxing training for 6 weeks then fighting in front of a stadium full of people - best thing I ever did!

Fern Wilson
Account Executive
07908733383 fern@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Gone white water rafting on a hangover in 4-degree water.

Isabella Honey Reed
Junior Account Executive
077804772596 isabella@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Kayaking with whales on the humpback highway in Australia

Steven Narloch
Newsroom Writer
07949816080 steven@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
When I was 18 I went to a music festival in Spain on my own just to see an artist I was obsessed with at the time who wasn't even headlining!

Lauren Carpenter
Senior Finance Executive
lauren@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Skied a black run in Austria with zero visibility

Olivia Williams
HR Officer
077513727220 olivia@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
I went to a festival abroad and did a bungee jump over the sea only strapped in by my ankles! (Never again lol)

Eleanor Fisher
Office Manager/PR Assistant
07723923784 eleanor@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
I went cliff jumping in the South of France – I nearly didn’t jump out far enough…oopsies!

Sally Connor
Media Manager
4169981081 sally@wearebrazenpr.comMost Daring Thing I’ve Ever Done...
Packed my bags on a whim and travelled down the East Coast of the US alone, making some lifelong friends along the way