Digital Digest – 12 March

Top 3 Digital News this week

After Facebook’s Newsfeed changes, Marketers Look to Pintrest

Marketers look to Pinterest as a source to drive traffic as Facebook prioritises friends & family, over brands & publishers. Stats show a steady decline in organic Facebook referral traffic with heads turning to Pinterest, the online scrapping platform, to drive traffic.
Pinterest is the home to over 200 million active users, who routinely use the site for home décor, recipe ideas and fashion. The site has seen a 10% increase in sessions since the end of 2017- is it time to adapt your social media strategy?

Snapchat & Instagram Drops Giphy

After only a short partnership, Snapchat & Instagram have both dropped Giphy, a site for searching and sharing GIFs. The deal breaker comes after complaints from users about Giphy suggesting racist images. It goes to show there’s an ever-demanding need for censorship on lesser regulated platforms, while user experience is at the forefront of the big four’s agenda.

Twitter Suspends ‘Tweetdecking’ Accounts

Last month Twitter announced a number of new rules in order to cut down on spam & bots that spread propaganda. The rules are designed to prevent individuals from posting “substantially similar content” across multiple accounts and using those accounts to artificially boost their visibility and popularity.


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