Launching Butlin’s Skypark


Launch Butlin’s SKYPARK to hard working families across the UK – a brand-new, £2.5million playground designed with inclusivity and accessibility for all in mind. The CGI plans for the park had already been leaked to media so we needed to get creative to land column inches and drive forward new news for the popular holiday resort brand and home of entertainment

We surveyed UK families to uncover opinions on UK play opportunities and why play for children with all abilities was so important. Alongside, we worked with TV personality and autism awareness advocate, Christine McGuinness, who used her own experiences of autism and connection to the cause to champion play for all and communicate key messaging in targeted national AND regional interviews, on the park, in an authentic way.



Coverage hits


Of coverage included a backlink


OTS for the campaign


Engagements on Christine's channel


National hits


Broadcast placements mentioning all key messages

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