10 Things The Simpsons Teaches Us About Work Life
1. No idea is a bad idea
Ah, the make-up gun. Just what the cosmetics industry has always needed.
Every idea isn’t going be golden but don’t let that stop you dreaming up something crazy. Always have the confidence to contribute to brainstorms, if your idea isn’t on the money, it may just spark one from a colleague.
2. Unless it’s this idea
Sorry, Herb.
Sometimes ideas don’t go as planned. Learn from your mistakes and make sure they’re never replicated.
3. Work hard
Take a leaf out of Martin’s book and always do your homework.
Be the expert and do the reading because knowledge is power. Being well read and prepared will give you the edge in the meeting room.
4. Play hard
Go hard with Flanders. Let your hair down, you’ve earned it.
Don’t let work take over, a big night is sometimes just what the Dr (Hibbert) ordered.
5. Never lack ambition
Aim for something. Anything.
Go above and beyond the call of duty and take on responsibilities outside your remit.
6. Keep the faith
Not everything’s going to go your way. Just keep trying like old Gil.
If your story’s not selling, take a step back, re-evaluate and give it another stab.
7. Always tell the truth
Because if you don’t it’ll come back to haunt you…
8. Be yourself
Or if you’re not very nice, be Milhouse.
Everyone appreciates a friendly face in the office.
9. Channel your creativity
You might just make a masterpiece.
10. Keep up the high standards
Otherwise you’ll end up with pie in your face.
If you’re not at the top of your game it’ll be noticed and someone else will do the job for you.
Just remember, one day we’ll be able to enjoy retirement…
When Joe’s not watching, thinking about or posting about The Simpsons, he’s generally focused on his job as an Account Manager at Brazen.
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