Introducing Brazen’s Wellbeing and Life Coach: Sarah Knight
22 February 2021
What the bejesus is life coaching anyway?
And who needs it?
Well, the simple answer is everyone. Ten years ago, who even talked about coaching?
I know in the professional world I grew up in (the busy world of PR) it was mainly a ‘crack on or be sacked’ approach to personal development.
Back then, we looked at the world of coaching with a degree of cynicism or something a bit American and yet the facts and stats are out there to show that coaching – whether it’s business coaching or life coaching – can have a hugely positive impact on an individual’s life.
So thankfully, here in 2021 we’re finally realising that showing vulnerabilities can be a strength and perhaps the best thing we can all do to help ourselves is to ask for help.
Help to make positive changes to your life (personally and professional), turn a thought, a dream, a desire, a need into an action. But how do people do it? How do they switch a dream into reality?
It’s really quite simple – a very clever author and coach (Jay Shetty) said it’s all about community, consistency and coaching. The consistency of creating good habits, the power of a community encouraging you to succeed and the benefit of a coach holding you accountable….
So, this year, building on the agency’s existing Wellbeing strategy, Brazen has put additional emphasis on empowering and helping the individuals in the team to be the best they can be, creating a community of wellbeing, building healthy habits and developing the skills to achieve their ambitions.
‘Putting the ZEN into Brazen’ has become more than a few Wellbeing Wednesdays, it’s all about the individual, centred on the people at the heart of the business.
And so, it was a natural step to introduce a Wellbeing and Life Coach whose sole purpose is to focus on the team; not an HR function, not a line manager but someone who can look after the emotional needs and wellbeing of the people in the care of Brazen.
Drum rollllllllllll……and enter me, stage right….. an NLP practitioner with 25 years’ experience in the marcomms sectoran
Twenty-five years of understanding how it feels to grow up in an agency, seeing how people can thrive given the right community, the right collaboration and crucially the right support. A new era has dawned in marcomms, an era where people are at the heart and helping those people thrive rather than just sit and survive will in turn produce dynamic, fun businesses that care. It’s just where I want to be – helping put the zen into Brazen.
So, what will I be doing? Well, we’ve already kick-started the year with a 4-week programme called ‘Time to DARE’ – designed to get everyone’s well-being journeys off the ground and get everyone thinking about themselves (no-one else) for once.
Then we’ll be holding 121 wellbeing monthly check-ins with everyone to understand what each individual needs from me, their Brazen Wellbeing and Life Coach. Because everyone’s life and needs are different. And after that, we’ll be running monthly team coaching sessions delving into numerous wellbeing-themed topics such as Imposter Syndrome and how to bust it.
As well as the afore mentioned Wellbeing Wednesdays (lunchtime activity that bonds the team in doing something zen-like such as yoga or adult colouring-in), Brazen has also introduced a whole menu of wellbeing activity – including Wellbeing Time (x2 hours gifted every month), duvet days, permanent working-from-home, Friday 4pm finishes and ‘Blue Sky’ Days, because we want to make sure our team (our lifeblood) feel content, supported, motivated and happy.
And for Brazen’s brilliant clients, all this will hopefully mean that their PR & social media teams will feel more content, self-aware and balanced in themselves and their mental wellbeing – which in turn will help give them the headspace to be more creative, have greater focus, and give them more clarity to get the job done.
If you would like to hear more about our Wellbeing and Life Coaching offer here at Brazen, please contact us, we’d love to hear from you.
Want more information? Contact us here
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