THE high-speed world of the communications professional shows no signs of slowing down.
But just how do the best PRs fit so much professionalism into such tight, deadlined days?
Ask the very best and they’ll all tell you one thing – it’s never easy.
But while flair, creativity and flexibility are hugely important tools in the armoury of any PR pro, the true top dogs will all concede that being properly organized is absolutely key to every success.
So what is it that the best PRs do every day to make sure they are at the top of their game?
Here’s a list of the 5 Things All Successful PRs Must Do Every Day.
That one big job looming over you, the thing you’ve been trying to put off – the elephant in the room, if you like – do it first. It’s not rocket science. Get the most difficult, demanding, worrying, most challenging task of the day out of the way early. Not only will that stoke your professional fire for the day ahead, it will make all your other tasks seem infinitely more achievable.
The much-maligned list is a daily life-saver for the under-pressure PR pro. When being organized is about the only thing that’ll see your professionalism through the day without injuries, lists will ensure that you stay organized. Jot down a list first thing every morning – what MUST you achieve today? The tasks, the people you need to call, the emails you need to send, the documents you need to write and review. Everything. Then add to it and tick off as you work through it.
The best PRs are checking news feeds, online and traditional, and all their social feeds as they are eating their breakfast cereal (or carb-free equivalent). Being in touch with what is going on in the world, being up-to-date with the news agenda all day, every day is an absolute must. But don’t ignore those social feeds either. Most big news stories break on Twitter and across Facebook as early as they do on traditional news wires these days. Ignore them at your peril. If its social, or news, and it’s happening, it should be on your radar – you’re not doing your job if it isn’t.
PR is nothing without creativity. It’s a creative industry, after all. PR professionals must push themselves creatively every single day. Demand that you generate a unique, creative idea at least once a day, every day. Conceive unique content for your clients, conjure up an engaging blog, design a photo story, create a news line, turn an item on the day’s news agenda into a stunt opportunity. There are a million ways to be creative. So use your grey cells and craft something creative at least once a day.
You’re working in the communications industry. It’s good to talk. Talk to your colleagues (you’d be amazed how many fantastic ideas come out of quick chats at the water cooler). Talk to your contacts (and not just when you have something to sell in) – great relationships are built on a foundation of familiarity with their needs. And talk to your clients. Email is quick and efficient but there’s nothing like that personal touch.
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